
Showing posts from 2007

Music of love

When you feel the whole world is your own home and the sky is your roof, when you feel that the trees are growing upwards looking for god, when you feel the blooming trees are worshiping the lord with their colourful flowers when you feel the trees are bearing fruits as a note of unselfish love to serve the whole world There is a silence in this realisation,and in this silence you can feel music in yours self The music of spritual love, happiness,peace,compassion,and a divine call for service.


Do you believe in hope, do you think it is important to have hope in life?What happens if there is no hope in life? Read the poem below and let me know your views. THE DREAM The old violin in my heart is Frozen on this winter and I can hear only noise; no music, And the lyric of my life is stolen. My tender heart is aching and I am Just like a last leaf in the autumn Tree, ready to fall on any day and My mind is floating like a feather I am holding on to a falling branch Of a huge tree and I don’t know the Depth, or the distance I have to travel, Or to jump to reach the earth as it is Too dark and cold down there The wind is so strong and I am Trembling like a little grass in rain, Still my dreams are flying up like a Colourful kite which dance and Plays with the angels in the sky. Is it hope leading my life? Or maybe, I am a hopeless daydreamer.


I think a person who have peace of mind is the strongest person in the world and nonviolence will be his weapon. Gandhi's words about nonviolence is as follows - "A person who has realized the principle of nonviolence has the God-given strength for his weapon and the world has not yet known anything that can match it". What do you think?.